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Talent Is Overrated

by Geoff Colvin


About the book

One of the most popular Fortune articles in many years was a cover story called: "What It Takes to Be Great." Geoff Colvin offered new evidence that top performers in any field are not determined by their inborn talents. Greatness doesn't come from DNA but from practice and perseverance honed over decades. The key is how you practice, how you analyze the results of your progress and learn from your mistakes, that enables you to achieve greatness.

Colvin shows that the skills of business: negotiating deals, evaluating financial statements obey the principles that lead to greatness, so that anyone can get better at them with the right kind of effort. Even the hardest decisions and interactions can be systematically improved.

This new mind-set, combined with Colvin's practical advice, will change the way you think about your job and career, and will inspire you to achieve more in all you do.

...both an inspiration and a challenge. It tells you that you can achieve great things...but only at the price of long, arduous and disciplined practice.

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Management Leadership Science Self-help Productivity Business Non-fiction Education




240 pages


Geoff Colvin
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