Home > The Practicing Mind

The Practicing Mind

by Thomas M. Sterner


About the book

Present moment awareness is an essential ingredient in life if one expects to experience any degree of authentic peace and contentment. It has been acknowledged for centuries as the cornerstone of spiritual awakening in all traditions of Eastern thought. In the West, however, it is still a relatively unrecognized concept of living. The Western mind is always restless, never content with the moment. Its internal dialogue is always firing off thoughts filled with emotional content and pulling the individual out of the present and into the past or future. But individuals raised in Western culture are becoming increasingly more aware of their overall sense of mental exhaustion, their lack of discipline and their inability to focus on demand. They are willing to expend the energy necessary to experience inner peace and a quiet mind that is waiting to follow the direction of their will.

A book that helps to recall the importance of being in the present moment. It tells you why and most importantly it tells you how.

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Personal Development Philosophy Spirituality Productivity Self-help Business Psychology Education




170 pages


Thomas M. Sterner
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